Motivational things

trying something different

Men’s Celebrity Casual Fashion — March 10, 2017

Men’s Celebrity Casual Fashion

Good day to my fellow readers, I hope you are well and still enjoying what I blog about. If you think there is something I should do to change either to make it better or something that you would like to read about. Then all you have to do is leave me a comment for ideas and I will put who it is from and what they wanted.

This past few days I have been trolling through the internet and looking for something to write about. So today I have decided on, as you can tell from the title, to write about male celebrities casual fashion. I hope you like what I have put in writing, please feel free to leave comments at the end.

David 1

Picture from

In the photo we can see the famous footballer David Beckham, who we all know him from football and playing for Man United. We know he married Victoria Beckham (spice girls) and for setting up a football school.

What we can see him wearing a pair of classic white trainers, that always look good with a stylish pair of blue jeans. The jeans can be slim fit or casual fit and even a baggy style as well. With his jeans he is pulling off a thick style brown leather looking belt with its thick chunky buckle. On the top he is sporting a plain white T-shirt with a low cut V-neck cut that looks good with a hairless chest or a chest with trimmed cut. Over this David is pulling off a casual blazer/jacket that has two buttons but it is done up with the top button only. Over this he is wearing a thin woollen looking jumper that is draped over his shoulders. To be fair it looks good  but this look is not for everyone. I know it would not look to great on me but I think I may have to try it in the future.

zac 1

picture from

This photo shows the heart throb Zac Efron known for his acting in films such as Baywatch, Bad neighbours, 17 again and voice for Lorax.

In this photo we can see Zac wearing a scruffy looking/ worn pair of brown leather looking ankle boots, which always look  smart and stylish to me no matter what you wear. He appears to be wearing a pair of dark blue pair of slim fit chinos, which always look good with most things. On the top he is sporting what looks like a blue cotton looking shirt that is not tucked in but worn out, making it look casual but also smart. Over this he is wearing a slim fit puffer body warmer which is worn open not done up and then to finish it off he is wearing a light coloured charcoal grey three quarter jacket which is undone. This jacket always looks good with anything that is worn with chinos or other smart trousers and shoes.

To me this is a winner look and I would definitely wear this on an everyday outfit, or an outfit to wear when meeting friends.

Ryan 1 

Picture from

Here in this photo we have the famous actor Ryan Reynolds known for films such as Blade Trinity, Deadpool, Green Lantern and The Proposal.

Here we have Ryan wearing a brown looking shoes with worn with what appears to be blue or grey chinos that are slim fit and smart but look casual at the same time. On this he is wearing what appears to be a light blue shirt , worn with a bark blue tie making this outfit look smart and yet casual at the same time. Over the top of this he wears a blue Jumper with a neck zip at the front that is undone to show the shirt and tie. This way makes the outfit look smart but yet again a little casual. To finish it off he sports a dark casual jacket with two spaced button but not fastened.  Smart but yet casual, good for nights out with friends or meetings with agents you know.

Tom 1

Picture from

Here we have the world famous actor that everyone knows for films such as Top Gun, Mission Impossible, A Few Good Men just to name a few films.  This man is know for doing his own stunts and training hard for all his fight scenes.

We see Tom sporting a scruffy looking pair of brown boots that look great  and wearing a pair of slim fit blue jeans that look worn but still stylish.  On top he wears a white T-shirt and over this he has a stylish light blue or grey V-neck woollen looking jumper that looks great. To finish this off  he wears an open jacket square looking style that is undone and at times wearing a silver rimmed pair of sunglasses.

Please feel free to comment on what you have written or contact me on or


Fashion, My Opinion. — March 1, 2017

Fashion, My Opinion.

Good day to my fellow readers, I hope you are all well and enjoying the life we have been given. I have thought about what I am going to write about in regards to men’s fashion. I have got a few ideas but I have thought I would write about what I want to achieve and gain from writing about Men’s Fashion in my opinion.

I have looked at many different things in regards to this subject and I know there is lots of different articles and blogs out there as in what is top notch and what is not, high end fashion and what the celebrities wear. To be honest how many of us can afford the type of names and clothing that the stars wear? Not many that’s for sure I bet. So what I want to put out there in my blogs is affordable fashion for men, from places like Burtons, Debenhams, New Look and the other every day shops that can be affordable to the everyday Joe that cannot afford a lot to spend. Like me I have a great job which pays good but with keeping a house hold and going to the gym and doing kickboxing I don’t get a lot of time or money spare for the luxuries in life.

I have been for a photo shoot in London for some company and now I have put myself on Star Now. I have had a few calls from people but unfortunately I have had to turn them down due to my shifts at work. The unfortunate thing is that I want to be able to have a job in fashion where I can work from home or an office and write about anything to do with Fashion. Whether that be modelling clothes for a company like Debenhams, Burtons or any other middle aged clothing company. It could also be writing about fashion from an amateurs point of view but in the end I want to make a living from this and enjoy writing or posing for the cameras.

I do enjoy researching about fashion and looking up what is new and old style fashion and up to date. What I would like is my readers to either put forward their favourite tops, shirts, trousers, sports wear and anything you would like to have a write up on and I will try to write about it and what may look good with it but in my opinion.

So please send me some clothing you like and I will put in my blog and try and put a few ideas out there. So please email me a few picture on and what you hope to see with these pictures and I will try my best to put a few things out there. Or if you are a company that wants a small write up on clothing please get in touch and see what we can do.

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